Amniotic Band Syndrome

Amniotic band syndrome (ABS) is an uncommon, congenital fetal abnormality that causes disfigured feet.

Some researchers believe that ABS is caused by early amniotic rupture, which leads to the formation of fibrous strands that entangle limbs and appendages.

Amniotic Band Syndrome occurs when the fetus becomes entangled in fibrous string-like amniotic bands in the womb, restricting blood flow and affecting the baby’s development.

Amniotic Band Syndrome can cause a number of different anomalies depending on which body part(s) is affected. If a band wraps tightly around a limb, the limb can actually be completely amputated. If the band is across the baby’s face it can cause cleft lip and palate. In a large number of cases the baby is also born with clubfeet. ABS is also the cause of numerous miscarriages, such as when a band becomes wrapped around the umbilical cord.

ABS occurs randomly. It’s not genetic, nor is it caused by anything a pregnant Mom did or didn’t do during pregnancy. To date, no prenatal factors have been associated with ABS. It is extremely unlikely that ABS will affect a future pregnancy.

Contact our office to discuss treatment options, which may include surgical excision of the fibrous band and any necrotic tissue.

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